Global Commons, Global Problems
Since the early 1800s, environmental movements have transferred the weight of problems of problems to the rest of the world. Here is listed important dates and organizations that have. Environmental problems represent overall global problems. Some economists and scientists assume human nature is rooted in selfishness, such that the depletion of resources is inevitable without government intervention. In the environmental protection discussion, each party represents not just different interests and capabilities, but different socieities, cultures, and knowledges. Conventions, protocols, and regimes provide insight into major actors and policies affecting discourse in global climate change.
The UN Conference on the Human Environment (1972)−Several environmental laws and organizations were created following this conference in Stockholm.
The World Commission on Environment and Development (1983) − Misrepresented nations were given a platform to voice their concerns about the environment and development.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITIES) − CITES was established to help monitor prevent the trade of species.
United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) − UNEP was created as the environmental conscience of the UN. Partnerships from local to international levels are encouraged to aid in development and environmental protection.
In this video, James Watson, a representative of the IUCN, discusses the importance of protected areas.